The 3rd PEEX Science Conference will focus on grand challenges in the Arctic – boreal pristine and urban environments:
- Permafrost and consequences of permafrost thawing
- Structural changes in the ecosystems, Arctic greening
- Atmospheric composition and chemistry
- Aerosols in Arctic Environment
- Urban air quality, megacities, planetary boundary layer
- Weather and atmospheric circulation
- the Arctic Ocean, the Arctic maritime environments
- Lakes, wetlands and large river systems in Siberian region
- Silk Road – Digital Belt & Road
- Arctic and high mountain Cold Regions
- Natural hazards, forest fires
- Social transformations and changing climate
- Biogeochemical cycles
- “Systems Analysis for the Arctic “– IIASA Workshop
The 7th PEEX Meeting will address:
- Coherent, coordinated Pan-Eurasian in-situ observation network incl. satellite observations and coordinated data systems
- PEEX Modelling platform
- International collaboration incl. ESFRI, GEOSS, AMAP, SAON, DBAR, U-Arctic, Future Earth, IASOA
- PEEX training and education activities
- Funding opportunities