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Permafrost carbon network


International Organizing Committee


Luca BelelliMarchesini


Luca Belelli Marchesini
Postdoctoral researcher
Department of Earth Sciences
VU Univeristy Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Lori Bruhwiler


Lori Bruhwiler
Research Scientists
NOAA Earth System Research Lab (ESRL)
Boulder, CO USAfcoe

 Roisin Commane


Róisín Commane
Research Associate
Harvard School of Engineering & Applied Sciences
Cambridge MA



Eugénie Euskirchen
Associate Research Professor
Institute of Arctic Biology
University of Alaska
Fairbanks, AK USA

Mathias Goeckede


Mathias Goeckede
Research Group Leader
Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry (MPI-BGC)
Jena, Germany

Andrey Grachev


Andrey Grachev
Research Scientist
Cooperative Institute for Research in Environmental Science (CIRES)
NOAA Earth System Research Lab (ESRL)
Boulder, CO USA



Elyn Humphreys
Associate Professor
Geography & Environmental Studies
Carleton University
Ottawa, Canada



Elchin Jafarov
Research Scientist
National Snow and Ice Data Center
Boulder, CO, USA

Markku Kulmala


Markku Kulmala
Division of Atmospheric Sciences at the Department of Physics
University of Helsinki, Finland

 Hanna Lappalainen


Hanna Lappalainen

Research Coordinator PhD
PEEX Executive officer
Department of Physics
University of Helsinki

 Alexander Makshtas


Alexander Makshtas
Research Scientists
Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute
St. Petersburg, Russia



Trofim Maximov
Institute for Biological Problems of Cryolithozone
Siberian Branch of Russian Academy of Sciences
Biogeochemistry Educational & Scientific Training Center
North-Eastern Federal University, Russia



Sue Natali
Associate Scientist
Woods Hole Research Center
Woods Hole, MA USA



Torsten Sachs
Technische Universität Braunschweig
GFZ - Helmholz Center
Potsdam, Germany

 Sandy Starkweather


Sandy Starkweather
Detail – Arctic Research Program
National Oceanic & Atmospheric Administration
Silver Spring, MD



Timo Vesala

Division of Atmospheric Sciences at the Department of Physics
University of Helsinki, Finland



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